COVID Guidance Reminder
We just wanted to take a moment to remind you of the steps we are taking as a charity to protect your young people, your families, our workers and volunteers.
Face Coverings
We have reintroduced wearing face coverings at the centre for those who are able to wear them. If your young person forgets then we have plenty of disposable ones for use.
We are asking that if anyone in your household has received a Positive Covid result or is awaiting a PCR result that your young person does not attend their session or group. This is so that we can continue to protect all the young people, workers and volunteers who may be vulnerable themselves or live with other vulnerable family members.
Arrival to your session or group
We will also be continuing to temperature check and hand sanitise upon arrival. Please bring your young person to the entrance as if they are showing a high temperature or are showing any symptoms we will be asking them to return home and not attend their session or group.
Thank you for your continued understanding